Deep Purple

First Direct Arena, Leeds

7 November 2024

The First Direct Arena is the smallest of the tour so far. and while it fits the general criteria of being an arena, it's very compact. This also means that even though I'm stuck in the back tier of seating, it's not that far back, and the view of the stage is excellent.

Time to say somerthing about the support band, Reef. I knew literally nothing about them before this tour. On the first night, I thought they did a decent job. On the second night, I realised I was already starting to recognise the songs, which is a good sign. By tonight, I'm actually looking forward to the set.

I gather they are a 90s band, which probably explains why they passed me by. Also, the height they wear their trousers would have put me off if I had ever seen them. But when you look past the clothing disaster, they're a fine rock band. From their apparent ages, I'm guessing the singer and bass player are original members, while the younger drummer and guitar player must be more recent.

Their songs have solid rock riffs and rhythms, with memorable vocal choruses. And they finish with an excellent, powerful cover of The Chain (the guitar player takes the second vocal), which must have endeared them to the entire audience.

Also have to mention the superb typography in their logo. I mean, it's beautiful.

Deep Purple's set is basically the same as previous nights, with of course all the improvised variations you would expect. The new songs which have crystallised as working the best live are Lazy Sod and Bleeding Obvious, with the latter getting my vote as most likely to persist in the set, given its longer structure and more opportunities for soloing. Portable Door, which is my favourite from the album, also sounds great but is played more "straight", the main interest coming from Gillan's rambling explanation of what the song is about. But the really astonishing thing is that Gillan appears to remember the lyrics to the new songs without reading them!

As for the old songs: all sound great, with the show-stealer being Hush as always. The solos are magnificently constructed and crammed with multiple musical ideas. Don Airey chooses On Ilkley Moor Bar t'At for the audience singalong tonight!

The whole set is immensely powerful. Even in the slower moments, the intensity of the sound never lets up.

Sitting higher up gives me a new perspective of the stage. I can clearly see how Simon works his pedal board during his solo, I can see the flourescent strips that make sure nobody falls off the stage in the dark. I can see that, surprisingly, neither drums or keyboards are on raised pedestals, everyone is on the same level. And the lights from up here are spectacular, and dazlingly bright. If I have a headache tomorrow, it won't be because of the volume, it will be because of the lights.

What else can I say? This is still the best live band in the world, and with each new show they seem to get better and better. Such masters of their craft that they make it look easy. And once again they have delivered the best concert I've ever seen.